This policy provides important information regarding Brilliance Publishing’s product returns policies, best practice guidelines, and requirements for the preparation and transporting of shipments to the Brilliance Publishing Fulfillment Center.
The policies and procedures described in this policy are intended to maximize operational and accounting efficiencies, maintain the highest safety and quality standards, and benefit both Brilliance Publishing and our customers. Brilliance Publishing will be referred to throughout this document as “BP.”
Please note that failure to comply with the policies and procedures described in this policy may cause delay in receiving your shipment into our systems, and/or the issuance of credits for returned products.
We appreciate our relationship and your compliance with this policy.
Product Returns Policy
BP sells to retailers, distributors and wholesalers at discounts that allow for full credit returns when return items meet the criteria below. All eligible returns received will be credited to your account balance and returns will be itemized on the following month’s statement.
Items are considered to be in resaleable condition if they are in the same condition as received. Resaleable condition product should be in its original packaging, show no visible signs of damage, and be free from stickers and/or security tags (other than those provided by BP). Additionally, the security seal and/or shrink wrap must not be broken or removed. Any item not meeting these rules or conditions may be refused for credit. We will accept, however, items that are damaged provided they were reported to BP as “received damaged” within 10 business days of receipt of original shipment.
Products returned to BP that are unacceptable for return credit also include the following:
- The item returned was sold under our non-returnable terms of sale.
- The item returned is not a product sold or distributed by BP.
- Items that have been autographed by the author.
- Items or quantities listed on the returns packing list that are different from the actual items or quantities received.
- Loose items not securely packed in a carton with appropriate dunnage (i.e. items shipped loose in a gaylord are not accepted).
Items returned must have an accompanying packing list clearly identifying customer name and customer account number as well as each title and its corresponding ISBN, MSRP, quantity of units being returned for credit and a clear indication for the reason for the return - noted as either “Overstock” or “Defective” or “Out-of-Print”, etc.
Out-of-Print (OP) titles are accepted for return credit for up to 180 days from the date of our OP Notice. OP Notices are communicated in two ways; electronically via email and via ONIX metadata uploads (listed with an availability of ‘OP’). Please help us ensure that the correct individuals at your organization are receiving OP Notices; Call 616-846-5256 or email us at to add recipient email addresses. Also, if you do not receive our title metadata via ONIX currently, and would like to, please contact our Customer Service team at 616-846-5256 ext. 330.
Unacceptable items returned to BP will not receive credit. BP will notify customers of unacceptable returns and customers are required to provide disposition and return shipping details within 7 days. If disposition is not received within the timeframe above, product will be disposed of at the discretion of BP. BP will not provide a listing of items that are not our product and you will not be contacted about these items. BP product that is damaged and not eligible for credit will be noted on the credit memo.
Return shipments sent to BP C.O.D. (cash on delivery) will be refused at BP unless pre-arranged and agreed upon by contacting BP before said shipment arrives at BP’s Returns Department. Ship all returns, shipping prepaid, to:
Returns Dept.
Brilliance Publishing, Inc.
1706 Eaton Drive, Door #4
Grand Haven, MI 49417
BP will process returns within 10 business days of receipt and credit your account. Disputes and discrepancies arising once the final return credit is issued must be addressed within 90 days from the issue-date of the credit memo posted. If you have identified a discrepancy, then please contact Brilliance Publishing within these 90 days at
Title to (ownership of) returned units will transfer to BP when BP accepts the shipment.
Contact Brilliance Publishing’s Returns Dept., 616-846-5256, for questions regarding coordination of returns. You may email with any questions.
Shipment Preparation Requirements
Packing Cartons for Shipment
- When possible, pack cartons with items from the original Purchase Orders.
- Pack cartons to weigh no more than 50lbs / 23kg. If the carton weighs more than 50lbs, place a warning label with the words “Team Lift” on them. See below for more information about labeling cartons for shipment.
- Cartons must sufficiently protect items from damage in transit.
- As an example of an appropriate carton spec, we use an RSC (regular slotted carton), B flute, ECT-32 (edge crush test), 200BH (burst strength).
- Appropriate packaging material (e.g. dunnage, void fill) should be utilized in all cases - such as air pillows, full sheets of paper, sheet foam or bubble wrap.
- Do not use loose fill of any kind; such as Styrofoam peanuts or shredded paper.
- If the shipment will be palletized, cartons should be staged using standard stacking requirements. Please see below for pallet building instructions.
- Items must be packaged in cartons with appropriate dunnage. Loose items will not be accepted.
Labeling Cartons for Shipment
Carton Label Requirements
- BP requests original Purchase Order numbers on each carton label.
- Print or affix the carton label on the exterior of each carton in a visible location.
- Include a label on every carton.
- If your carton labels include bar codes, they should always be in black ink (color ink bars are not read by scanners and will cause delays in receiving the product into our facility).
- Do not place labels over a seam of the carton.
- To preserve the readability of carton labels, place them on cartons at least 1.25” away from the corners, edges, or tape that may cover or distort the label. See diagram below.
- Include the following information on the carton labels in at least 12pt font:From: Your Company’s Name
To: Brilliance Publishing
1704 Eaton Drive Door #4
Grand Haven, MI 49417
PO# List all PO#s
Carton #: # __ of total # __
BOL #: Account #:
If it is not possible to list all PO numbers on the carton label, indicate “Multiple PO numbers” on the label and include a carton level packing slip that has all the PO information for the carton.
Warning Labels
Warning labels affixed to the cartons help to ensure the safety of our employees. Warning labels should be impossible to miss. They should be large, brightly colored, and positioned in multiple, prominent locations on all applicable cartons. Affix warning label to every carton that weighs over 50lbs.
Building Pallets for Shipment
- When possible, palletize all LTL and TL shipments. Palletized loads should be made to build solid, flat topped pallets for better truck utilization.
- Use GMA grade B or higher, 40" x 48"/ 1m x1.25m 4-way access, wood pallets. If a single, large item being shipped cannot fit on a 40" x 48"/1m x1.25m pallet without overhanging the edges, use a pallet size and type that is suitable for the item.
- Do not let cartons overhang the edges of the pallet. Product overhanging pallets have an increased chance of damage when being trans-loaded multiple times by an LTL carrier.
- Do not ship items on pallets made of weak materials, such as cardboard or particle board. Do not use pallets which are broken or have missing slats.
- Pallet Height Standards – Pallet height must not exceed 50” tall (45” product and 5” pallet height). Pallets should be built to come as close as possible to maximize freight efficiency.
- Securely stretch wrap cartons to pallets or secure larger items to pallets using non-metallic bands. Ensure that stretch-wrap completely affixes product to the pallet, so as to prevent shifting during transit and creates a stable platform for stacking. The use of clear stretch wrap is preferred. Use corner boards to help protect and maintain the stability of cartons in transit. Inventory should be loaded on a pallet in a stable way so when the stretch wrap is removed, product will not easily fall over.
Labeling Pallets for Shipment
- Affix a pallet label with the following information to each pallet:Pallet #______ of ______ total.
Bill of Lading number (BOL#)
PRO, waybill, or other carrier tracking number PO number (if units on pallet are for a single PO)
SKU# or “Mixed SKU” label
Shipping address (1704 Eaton Drive, Door 4 – Grand Haven, MI 49417) - Pallet labels should be placed squarely on 2 sides of the pallet on the fork entry sides. If the pallet is wrapped in plastic, the pallet labels must be placed on the outside of the plastic wrap so the carrier can read the destination clearly.
- BP requires P.O. #s on every carton regardless of whether the units on the pallets are for a single P.O. or on multiple P.O.s.