
No More Masquerade

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No More Masquerade

No More Masquerade

By: Victoria Blue, Angel Payne

series:Secrets of Stone #2
audio performed by: Jason Clarke, Devon Grace
genre: Romance - Romance
publication date:09/11/2018


Behind every good the love of an even better woman. Those were just pretty words before I met Claire Montgomery. Before my fairy queen burst into my life, I didn’t recognize the bastard in my morning mirror—but her love has given me the strength to face the imposter, even embrace him. With Claire at my side, I’m the king I always wanted to be, the Killian Stone I always dreamed of becoming.

Which means for once, I want the mask guarding my secret to stay right where it is.

If you want the grown-up fairy tale... learn to love the dark side.

Profound sentiment. Wish I could get on board with it but the prince in pinstripes has other ideas. Life has been a dream since Killian burst into the ball offering the perfect fit—his heart and mine.

But the treasures he bestows have become his armor, hiding the man I yearn to know.

I refuse to open his little velvet box until he opens himself, letting me see even the dark hallways of his soul...

Fate has always bowed to my bidding.

I should have known it was just picking it's time to exact the best revenge, to reveal the secrets that will destroy everything. Without my disguise, am I still the man Claire fell in love with...or another penniless prince vying for an unattainable dream?

Mistress of his ruin?

He always told me to be careful what I wish for. By demanding his truth, have I not only demolished the dream we had...but the man I’ve loved more than any other?

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