
No Broken Bond

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No Broken Bond

No Broken Bond

By: Victoria Blue, Angel Payne

series:Secrets of Stone #7
audio performed by: Jason Clarke, Devon Grace
genre: Romance - Romance
publication date:10/09/2018



It’s incredible what Fletcher Ford and Drake Newland have done to my world—and my soul—since igniting my desires, answering my dreams and filling every inch of my heart. I am rocked. Changed. Freed. A woman in love…


But the adjustment hasn’t been easy, and not just for my orthodox family. Falling for one dazzling, commanding billionaire is complicated enough. But two? Wading through dysfunctions, judgments, and emotional baggage from all sides, we’re searching for the perfect balance of our love. And we nearly find it, when disaster slams again—threatening to permanently cripple us this time.


With our bond in shreds and our spirits in tatters, can we find the glue to keep our bond intact and our love whole? Are we broken…or just bent? Do we have the courage to find out?

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Unabridged 9 hours


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