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By: Monica James

series:I Surrender #3
audio performed by: Vanessa Edwin
genre: Romance - Romance
publication date:03/19/2019


When Ava Thompson met the cerulean eyed rock god, Jasper White, her whole world was tipped on its axis, and nothing has been the same ever since.

Thankfully, life for Ava has settled, and that includes being in a healthy, stable relationship with Jasper at long last.

Their turbulent love has withstood many obstacles, but when not one, but two bombshells are dropped at Ava's doorstep, will she and Jasper be able to survive? Will the cunning ex and bothersome mother rock the stable foundation they have built together?

Will Ava get her happy ending? And will that happy ending be with the man everyone desires?

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Unabridged 11 hours


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