
How Cool Brands Stay Hot

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How Cool Brands Stay Hot

How Cool Brands Stay Hot

Branding to Generations Y and Z

By: Mattias Behrer, Joeri Van den Bergh

audio performed by: Tim Paige
genre: Business - Business
publication date:06/04/2019


While the first two editions of How Cool Brands Stay Hot focused exclusively on Generation Y (Millennials), this fully revised third edition looks at both Generations Y and Z.  Using new market research to map and quantify the spending power of Generation Z, branding experts  Joeri Van den Bergh and Mattias Behrer provide hard evidence on the impact of this generation and suggest ways to market effectively to them.

The book reveals how Millennials think, feel, and behave, and discusses how recent developments such as the recession, mobile marketing and purchasing, and the adaptation and evolution of social media, have impacted Generation Y.  All the chapters offer new case studies and interviews, from companies such as H&M, Forever 21, and Converse, as well as updated facts, figures, and research. 

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