
Home for Winter

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Home for Winter

Home for Winter

By: Rebecca Boxall

audio performed by: Fiona Hardingham
genre: Fiction - Fiction
publication date:10/23/2018


Serena Meadows and her twin sister, Luna, are identical in appearance—but the similarity ends there. Luna always had a mean streak and, as a teenager, her selfishness culminated in an almighty betrayal from which Serena thought she’d never recover.

Years later the twins are reunited by tragedy and Luna is a changed woman. The arrogance and spite of her youth are gone and, at a time when Serena really needs support, Luna sets aside her own life to come to the rescue. But her generosity is not what it seems and before long she does something so devastating that her past conduct pales into insignificance.

Distraught once more, Serena and her vicar boyfriend, Will, move to a country parish for a fresh start, but Luna casts a long shadow over their dream of a happy family life. Serena wants nothing to do with her sister, but while Luna has the upper hand, it’s impossible for her to move on.

These twins, torn apart by bad blood, discover that you can’t choose your relatives—and sometimes you can’t escape them either.

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