
35 Dumb Things Well-Intended People Say

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35 Dumb Things Well-Intended People Say

35 Dumb Things Well-Intended People Say

Surprising Things We Say That Widen the Diversity Gap

By: Maura Cullen

audio performed by: Mary Robinette Kowal
genre: Business - Business
publication date:04/26/2016


Even well-intended people can cause harm!

Have you ever heard yourself or someone else say: "Some of my best friends are… (Black, White, Asian, etc.)”? or “I don't think of you as… (Gay, Disabled, Jewish, etc.)"? or “I don't see color, I'm colorblind"? These statements and dozens like them can build a divide between us and the people we interact with. Though well-intended, they often widen the diversity gap sometimes causing irreparable harm personally and professionally.

If you've ever wanted to be more effective in your communication with others, or have been afraid of saying the wrong thing, then this concise guide is essential to becoming more inclusive and diversity-smart.

A powerful diversity training tool from one of the most respected diversity trainers.

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