
How to F*ck a Woman

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How to F*ck a Woman

How to F*ck a Woman

An Insider's Guide to Love and Relationships

By: Ali Adler

audio performed by: Justine Eyre
genre: Entertainment - Humor
publication date:05/26/2015


Brazen, uproarious, slyly prescriptive, and always entertaining, Ali Adler is a sex and relationship guru who knows what women want. As a lesbian, she has both the equipment and the experience to give straight men (and the women who love them) advice about how to get more sex and do it well.

In her day job as a comedy writer and TV producer, Ali is sometimes the only woman in a room full of fellow potty-mouthed comedy writers; in these bastions of bad sex jokes she became legendary for offering frank reality checks, and for translating female sexuality into words a man could understand. In her book How to F*ck a Woman—which turns out to be about 20 percent explicit instruction, 80 percent relationship advice, and 100 percent hilarious—she brings together essential advice for men (even the ones who insist they could write this book) and the women who want their lovers to truly understand them, both mind and body.

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