
Assassin of Gor

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Assassin of Gor

Assassin of Gor

By: John Norman

series:Gorean Saga #5
audio performed by: Ralph Lister
genre: Science Fiction and Fantasy - Fantasy
publication date:03/15/2011


Welcome to Gor, a parallel Earth where social norms are exotic and the way of life is brutal. In the fifth book in the Gorean Saga, the deadly assassin Kuurus is intent on a bloody mission of vengeance. His adventure takes him from the caste of the pleasure-slaves, who are rigorously trained in the rules and techniques of sexual ecstasy, to the brutal arenas where humans participate in deadly hand-to-hand combat. He witnesses violence, conflict, and uncertainty, as the inhabitants of Counter-Earth are forced to confront their destinies…no matter how exalted or debased.

Rediscover this brilliantly imagined world where men are masters and women live to serve their every desire.

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Unabridged 17 hours


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