
Reckoning at Dead Apache Springs

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Reckoning at Dead Apache Springs

Reckoning at Dead Apache Springs

By: Kent Conwell

genre: Fiction - Western
publication date:10/16/2013
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Joe Phoebe and his partner, Ira Croton, ride boldly into the forbidding hill country of central Texas for two reasons: first, to take a job bullwhacking for Mills’ Freight and Livery in Dead Apache Springs; and second, on the outside chance that someone might recognize Joe, or that he might run into something that could trigger his memory, which has been wiped out by a minié ball at Appomattox. Instead, they ride into a tangled conspiracy of cold-blooded murder, barn burnings, cattle rustling, kidnapping, and buried gold. When a fragment of Joe’s memory does return, the recollection stuns him: prior to the war, he had ridden with a band of outlaws that had robbed the bank in nearby Abbottville. As rugged as the country in which the story is set, so is the blazing action as a hard-nosed cowpoke battles a cattle baron who will stop at nothing to drive out smaller ranchers in a land grab the size of Texas, a struggle that ends in an unexpected and bizarre twist of events.

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