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By: Max Brand

genre: Fiction - Western
publication date:07/23/2013
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Crossroads, the fast-paced sequel to Luck, originally appeared serially in Argosy All-Story in six parts. As with all the work of Max Brand, gripping narrative carries the reader on a lightning ride from one suspenseful climax to the next. Presented here for the first time in book form, with the full text and original title restored, is the continuing saga of Brand’s finest heroine, Jack—Jacqueline Boone.

Jack was blessed and cursed by the cross of Meilan when she met Dix Van Dyck. Dix, perhaps too fond of action and excitement, had stayed out of trouble on the strength of his boyish charm and the verdict of “suicide” passed on those who drew their guns on him. But he eventually runs afoul of the new sheriff, whose brother Dix had justifiably strangled with his bare hands. Repairing to the distant back country hellhole of Double Bend, Dix finds out just how much trouble Jack Boone will bring him. She warned him, “There’s bad luck around me. That ain’t all. There’s hell!”

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