
Klaatu Terminus, The

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Klaatu Terminus, The

Klaatu Terminus, The

By: Pete Hautman

series:The Klaatu Diskos #3
audio performed by:
genre: Young Adult/Childrens - Young Adult
publication date:04/08/2014


Kosh did not feel courageous. Looking at the disko, it was all he could do not to collapse into a quaking, blubbering puddle of terror. He was half certain he was going to die. But the alternative—leaving Emma in the hands of Gheen without even trying to rescue her—was unthinkable. He would not want to live if he had to live with that.

“It’s not courage,” he said, “if you have no choice.”

In present-day Hopewell, an adult Kosh Feye discovers a sweet and painful piece of his past when he’s rescued by the Lamb Emma. In a far distant future, Tucker Feye and the inscrutable Lia find themselves atop a crumbling pyramid in an abandoned city. And on a train platform in 1997, a seventeen-year-old Kosh says good-bye as his brother, Adrian, leaves for a pilgrimage to the Holy Land. Before Adrian boards, he asks Kosh to take care of his fiancée—the most beautiful girl Kosh has ever seen.

The final book of Pete Hautman’s highly praised Klaatu Diskos trilogy, The Klaatu Terminus weaves together these fragmented timestreams in a heart-stopping chase to the edge of time as Tucker, Lia, and Kosh must search for one another and finally puzzle out the secrets of the diskos. Who built them? Who is destroying them? And, most of all, where—and when—will it all end?

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Unabridged 8 hours


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