
Caravan of Thieves

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Caravan of Thieves

Caravan of Thieves

By: David Rich

series:Lieutenant Rollie Waters #1
audio performed by: Jeff Cummings
genre: Thriller/Suspense - Thriller
publication date:08/30/2012


Like his con artist father, Rollie Waters knows all the angles, and he's never fewer than two steps ahead of trouble. But unlike his father, Rollie is not a criminal. Only when he's working undercover for the Marines, inhabiting a false identity, is Rollie comfortable in his own skin.

But after he's yanked out of his latest assignment and tossed into the brig, he's not that surprised to hear that a lot of government money has gone missing and the officials think Rollie's father took it. The only way to find Dan Waters is to trace the frail tendrils of truth scattered among Rollie's childhood memories. To do that, he'll have to go deep into the undercover identity of a lifetime—his own.

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Unabridged 8 hours


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