
Tarnsman of Gor

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Tarnsman of Gor

Tarnsman of Gor

By: John Norman

series:Gorean Saga #1
audio performed by: Ralph Lister
genre: Science Fiction and Fantasy - Fantasy
publication date:06/15/2010


Tarl Cabot has always believed himself to be a citizen of Earth. He has no inkling that his destiny is far greater than the small planet he has inhabited for the first twenty-odd years of his life. One frosty winter night in the New England woods, he finds himself transported to the planet of Gor, also known as Counter-Earth, where everything is dramatically different from anything he has ever experienced. It emerges that Tarl is to be trained as a Tarnsman, one of the most honored positions in the rigid, caste-bound Gorean society. He is disciplined by the best teachers and warriors that Gor has to offer…but to what end?

This is the first book of John Norman's popular and controversial Gorean Saga, a series of novels the author began in 1967 with Tarnsman of Gor and are now considered cult classics. This audiobook is based on the definitive edition recently published by E-Books.

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