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audio performed by: Eric G. Dove
genre: Faith Based - Faith-Based Nonfiction
publication date:08/01/2013
Sure, the supernatural happened during biblical times. But hasn’t this all settled down by now?
Growing up in a traditional Baptist church in Arkansas meant that I learned almost nothing about “spiritual forces,” about the tension between good and evil, about the afterlife and heaven and hell—except to be told that one place was desirable and the other place was not.
But the more I read of God’s Word, the more I realized there was little room for a “look the other way” mentality, as it related to life and ministry. My feet had been planted not on a playground, but on a battleground. And it was clear that the battle was for my faith, for my family, for my purity, for my fidelity to Christ, for my very soul. How had I missed this before?
My plea to you is this: We mustn’t brush this reality aside, thinking that what we don’t know won’t hurt us. What we don’t know absolutely will hurt us, and hurt us in powerful ways.
But this book contains very good news for you: There is a clear-cut way to understand things that cannot be seen. Things that have a profound effect on you and me. There really is more to life than what you see. —Jack Graham