
Clean Kill in Tokyo, A

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Clean Kill in Tokyo, A

Clean Kill in Tokyo, A

By: Barry Eisler

series:A John Rain Novel
audio performed by: Barry Eisler
genre: Thriller/Suspense - Thriller
publication date:02/11/2014


Previously published as Rain Fall

Name: John Rain.
Vocation: Assassin.
Specialty: Natural Causes.
Base of operations: Tokyo.
Availability: Worldwide.

Half American, half Japanese, expert in both worlds but at home in neither, John Rain is the best killer money can buy. You tell him who. You tell him where. He doesn’t care about why…

Until he gets involved with Midori Kawamura, a beautiful jazz pianist—and the daughter of his latest kill.

A Clean Kill in Tokyo was previously published as Rain Fall, the first in the bestselling John Rain assassin series.

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Unabridged 9 hours


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