
Blithe Images

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Blithe Images

Blithe Images

By: Nora Roberts

audio performed by: Julia Whelan
genre: Romance - Romance
publication date:06/21/2022


No one captures a perfect picture of a couple finding one another quite like Nora Roberts, the #1 New York Times bestselling “word artist” (Los Angeles Daily News), who focuses on the intense passion that develops between a model and the man captivated by her in Blithe Images.

Mode Magazine is one of New York City’s premier fashion glossies and Hilary Baxter has just been contracted as one of their models. The culture shock she experiences between her small-town Kansas life and the glamour of the Big Apple is nothing compared to the thrill she gets when Mode’s charismatic publisher Bret Bardoff takes a personal interest in guiding her career. Unable to resist Bret’s seductive allure, Hilary’s infatuation turns into love—a love she hopes is strong enough for Bret to see the person behind the beauty.

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